Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the questions we most frequently encounter at Persistence Psych

  • What is Performance Psychology?

    Performance psychology has a foundation in sport and exercise psychology. About a decade ago the American Psychological Association defined performance psychology as a form of psychology that helps enhance human potential, by supporting individuals to perform to the best of their abilities. In other words, performance psychology supports people in a context in which they perform. 

  • Can you work with performers in other states?

    Yes! Sport and Performance psychology has a national certification (CMPC) through the Association of Applied Sport Psychology and providers do not need to be licensed by their state. A license is only required if the provider is also providing clinical mental health counseling in addition to sport and performance psychology. Although CMPC’s cannot ethically provide clinical mental health care they can assess for psychopathology and offer referrals to the client. If the client is interested in pursuing both clinical mental health care and performance psychology the client can sign an ROI so both providers can collaborate for a more holistic treatment plan. 

  • Why Performance Psychology?

    While regular counseling or psychological services may be very beneficial for a performer, performance psychology professionals have a deeper understanding of the challenges and stressors that are unique to performance. Providers are also more aware of the cultural and traditional factors that can effect athletes and performers.  

  • Do you consult with teachers or parents?

    Yes! We work with all performers and anyone who is supporting or working with a performer. This could be teachers, coaches, students, physical therapists, directors, parents, peers, etc. 

  • Do you offer performance support?

    Yes! We can offer phone calls, text messages, zoom meetings and even in person support as long as it is cleared by the performance organization. 

  • How does performance psych help dancers?

    Sport and performance psychology can be used to respond to and better navigate the challenges of performing at an elite level. Sport and performance psychology focuses on helping athletes, performers and others reach goals and cope with the anxiety that can impede performance in many different domains from the battle field to the stage. .

  • Who qualifies as a performer?

    Although we automatically think of athletes or performing artists, there are many different types of performers. Anyone who needs to PERFORM a task in a stressful situation is a performer. So we believe that students, business people, soldiers, and doctors as performers too. 

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